System not working: One minute Val is standing upright getting ready to go out, the next she's on the floor because her prosthetic hip slipped out of joint.
System working: For the first time ever, I dialed 911. The paramedics came. They were kind, capable and effective. Took Val by ambulance (no sirens) to hospital.
System working: The clever emerg doc assessed, advised and performed effectively. The joint was popped back into place (thank goodness for drugs).
We spend a lot of time complaining about our healthcare system, but at times like yesterday I bless Tommy Douglas for universal coverage: At no time did anyone ask us if we could pay, if we had coverage. Everyone simply did their job the best they could. Nothing happened quickly, but it happened effectively.
Let's remember that.
I can relate to the dreadful experience of having to call 911 for a loved one. It's not fun because of all the unknowns. But the quick response, the grace the attendants show towards not only the patient, but also to the person who made the call, simply is a gift in itself. It’s a huge relief to know that all they care about is the health of the patient, and, not if they have money is cover the cost of this invaluable service. Great blog!
Testimony to what is working is always a very good thing!
Those who have gone before us have given us what we have today. And as we create our own lives in the myriad of contexts we live - health, work, education, family - we expand the possibilities for the generations being birthed through us.
I love that you give gratitude to Tommy Douglas. That you are aware of and give voice to the systems that work.
When one of us benefits, we all benefit.
My worldview says this: We are all connected. There is no other.
In essence when you write of the systems that work, you are writing of the possibility for freedom. In clear contrast to your experience, check out this story about healthcare in Haiti:
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