Are you a Winnipeg Centre voter who wants to see an MP represent us in Ottawa
who will be accountable to his constituents and visible on the ground in the riding
doing work that furthers social justice for the people who live in this riding?
I have voted in every election I was eligible for since I turned 18. Over the years, I have supported representatives from parties across the political spectrum and I have held memberships in some of those parties, too. Sometimes I wanted to support the national leader, sometimes the local candidate. But always, I wanted my vote to help fill the House of Commons with people whom I trusted to represent my values and my commitment to social justice.
A party's policies may come and go. They may not always hit the mark from my perspective, so I want my elected representative to be an effective and frequent communicator with me. I want them to knock on my door to ask me what my current issues are and to get feedback on their performance. I want to know that person and feel a connection with them as they work on my behalf at the municipal, provincial or federal level.
For these reasons, I am supporting the nomination of Allan Wise in the upcoming Liberal Party nomination meeting for the 2015 federal election. I gave him my vote last time round and wrote about my reasons here.
I will be giving him my vote this time round again, and I am asking you to consider doing the same. But before we can vote for Allan as our representative in Ottawa, we need to help him win the nomination in Winnipeg Centre.
Please email me at alerougete at gmail dot com if you are a Winnipeg Centre voter who wants to see an MP represent us in Ottawa who will be accountable to his constituents and visible on the ground in the riding doing work that furthers social justice for the people who live in this riding.